Life doesn’t turn out the way we planned sometimes, and that is perfectly fine

Vina amoris࿐
4 min readSep 30, 2024



It’s still worth it…

We often rush to do everything we can to perfect our lives, chasing after dreams and expectations that feel so urgent. But the hardest thing to accept is that no matter how much we achieve, become, or gain, life will never be perfect. Like us, it will always carry its flaws, its cracks. We’re all trying to fill those gaps, yet some are meant to remain empty.

I hate to admit it, but there is truth in saying that life is fair in being unfair. It’s a cycle we can’t avoid, but one we learn to live within.

We can’t stop that unfair cycle from continuing, but we can stop trying to block its path. Fighting against it will only drain us. It’s okay to fall sometimes, to sit with the discomfort. It’s okay. There will be moments of calm and peace, and there will be times when life feels like a storm, a nightmare we can’t wake from.

We must stop blaming ourselves for things we were never meant to control. It’s not our fault. None of it ever was. It’s not our fault that we felt broken, that we didn’t have the strength to fight battles we knew we could have won if only we had been better prepared. It’s not our fault that we didn’t reach the goals we set for ourselves because, perhaps, they were never meant for us in the first place. Sometimes, it’s about surviving the battle, not winning it.

The truth is, life changes us often painfully so. We outgrow parts of ourselves, and that shedding hurts. The mistake is not in failing, but in thinking that those hardships are somehow our fault. Sometimes, the person we thought we’d become was never who we were meant to be. And that’s okay. It’s all part of the process.

You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
We can’t control life, but we can decide how we live it.

I know how hard life has been for you, and how hard it may still be. But I’m proud of you for continuing to be here, for not giving up. In a world that constantly pushes against you, you’ve chosen to push back. You’ve held on, even when letting go felt like the easier option. And that speaks to a kind of strength that no one else can understand unless they’ve lived it themselves.

As September ends, I want you to look back how far you’ve become. There were days where simply standing up, getting out of bed, felt impossible. The weight on your shoulders was unbearable, yet you made it through those days. You’ve survived every day up to this point, even when you thought you wouldn’t. That’s something to be proud of. Survival isn’t pretty, but it’s powerful. It’s raw and honest, and it means you’re still here for a reason.

It’s okay to have moments where you feel like giving up. What truly matters is that you didn’t. You chose to keep going, even when every ounce of strength left in you was fading. That’s what counts you’re still here, still fighting, even when it felt like you had nothing left to give.

I hope you learn to be kinder to yourself on the days when the world isn’t. I hope you realize that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. You deserve grace and compassion, especially when it feels like everything around you are falling apart.

I hope you see your worth when no one else does. I hope you listen to yourself, especially when your mistakes seem so loud, drowning out your voice. You are more than the moments you fall short. You are worthy of the same love and understanding you so freely give to others.

I know that giving up may sometimes feel like the easiest option. I know that it’s the first thought that crosses your mind on the hardest days. But I hope that even when you see no reason to keep going, you’ll still choose to live. Because deep down, you know there’s something beautiful waiting on the other side of the storm.

Your future self will thank you for every effort you’ve made, every battle you’ve fought, and every tear you’ve shed. Keep holding on. The journey may be difficult, but every step you take matters. You are worth every bit of the struggle, every moment of pain. You are worth fighting for.

I am proud of you for making it this far. And no matter what happens next, know that you have already come so much farther than you once thought you could.

We’re all in this battle together, right? I’m so incredibly proud of you, love. Keep going, Padayon.


